So begins the first book in the Storyteller series, which follows the adventures of Gwernin Kyuarwyd, a storyteller and bardic student in 6th century Wales. Together the first three books - Storyteller, Flight of the Hawk, and The Ash Spear - make up the Young Gwernin Trilogy, the first of three planned trilogies in the series.

Read sample chapters from Storyteller here.
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In the summer of 551 AD, the North of Britain is a tinderbox about to burst into flame, the Saxons are stirring again in the East, and Cynan Garwyn, Prince of Powys, is doing his best to foment war in the South. In the midst of this simmering chaos, two young bards - Gwernin Storyteller and his friend Neirin mab Dwywei, the Poet-Prince who some call "Taliesin's Hawk" - are sent to the North by their master to investigate the rumors and do what they can to prevent a war. At least, that was their mission - but the two young men find plenty of other adventures along the way. Girls and beer, bloodshed and magic - will they survive the summer and make it home alive?
Read a sample chapter from Flight of the Hawk here.
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In 6th century Wales, the ash spear – pren onn – was a symbol of warfare and of manhood, but it also stood for awen, the poetic inspiration of the bards. As warfare comes to North Wales, bardic apprentice Gwernin must master all three of its meanings in order to keep himself and his friends alive. From otherworldly dangers to rich rewards in the fire-lit halls of kings, from bloody battle and grueling labor to tender romance, The Ash Spear follows him in the thrilling conclusion of this first trilogy in the Storyteller series.
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